Junior ARDS

Minimum Age: 14
Course Duration: One day
This course is intended to train the novice driver to a sufficient level of competence rather than an outright test of skill during their on circuit assessment. The written exam will require 100% correct answers for sections ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘3’. The course is likely to take up most of the day with an even split of classroom theory and practical driving. It does however assume that the pupil has prior experience of driving a manual gearbox car.
Following an introduction by the duty instructor, the candidate will complete an initial assessment session to ascertain their level of co-ordination and ability to brake, change gear and general aptitude. This activity does not involve speed and can be completed on any suitable area not necessarily on the circuit. Following successful completion of the initial assessment, the day will include the following theory,
- Circuit safety
- Gear changing (the principle of heel and toe, which is not required as part of the track assessment)
- Braking
- Racing line
- Car dynamics and physics
- Marshals flags and signals
- Safety car
- Action to be taken in the event of an accident/breakdown
- Vehicle recovery and being towed
- Chronology of a race meeting
- ARDS written exam
The MSUK NRDC film will be played during the course.
Driving is divided into four sessions of approximately 40 minutes driving time in each, all of which are accompanied by an appropriately licensed senior instructor. Any demonstration laps
by the instructor would be in addition. The final part of the fourth session will include the ARDS track assessment. Driving practice will concentrate on the following
- General aptitude and driving ability
- Braking (especially the down change combined with braking for a corner)
- Gear changing while maintaining and not affecting general concentration
- Racing line
- Cornering
- Lapping at a respectable speed while maintaining a reasonable consistency
- Race start (if possible)
- ARDS track assessment
Please call the Circuit Office to book this course: 01407 811400